Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2019

Ekon Ukr. 2019 (1): 3–15

УДК 338.2; 330.101; 330.8

HEYETS Valeriy1, GRYTSENKO Andrii2

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : 57194145214
OrcID ID :
2Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :

“NEW PRAGMATISM” AS AN INSTRUMENT OF INCLUSIVE GLOBALIZATION (to the 70-th anniversary of Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko)

G.W. Kolodko’s contribution to the theory and methodology of cognition and practical transformation of the modern world is revealed. It is shown that the main contradiction of the modern era is the contradiction between globalization, which relies on information-network and financial mechanisms, and the spatial-country localization of material and labor resources, which cannot move in space with the speed of information and financial flows. Globalization on neoliberal principles, which in many respects was destructive in nature, has become one of the forms of deepening and aggravating this contradiction. In place of destructive, the inclusive globalization should come, which leads not to disproportions in the development of various components of the socio-economic space, but to the inclusion of all elements of the system in the overall development process. It is shown that G.W. Kolodko’s “New Pragmatism”, which combines theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the rational and ethical transformation of reality, can serve as an instrument for achieving the inclusive globalization. This “New Pragmatism” ensures the inclusiveness in the formation of the global space, where environmental, social and economic components, the state, the market and civil society, values, institutions and policies are in a state of searching for harmonious interaction and ensuring progress into the future


Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 15) DownloadDownloads :285
The article was received by the Editorial staff on December 27 , 2018


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