Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (5): 61–72


УДК 332.02:332.1

KRAVTSIV Vasyl1, ZHUK Petro2

1Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : ://www. scopus. com/authid/detail.uri?authorld:5 7 1 9044202
OrcID ID :
2Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS Ukraine, Research ID : – 0413 - 2023
OrcID ID :


The wider interpretation of the mountain policy notion is outlined. The entities and objects of domestic mountain policy, its forming principles, objectives and tasks are defined. Analysis of parameters of economic development level of mountain regions in Lviv oblast is performed and their negative dynamics is determined. Conclusions are made on low efficiency of mountain policy instruments applied in Ukraine and necessity of their improvement, including through implementation of the best European practices. The mechanisms of mountain territories’ development maintenance applied in European countries are studied. In particular, attention is paid to opportunities for Ukraine to use the instruments of territorial development that encompass not only the EU member states but the neighboring ones as well. In this context the peculiarities of application of new European instrument of countries’ and regions’ cooperation – macro-regional strategies – are shown. The initiative on development with Ukraine’s participation and adoption by the EU authorities of the Carpathian Macro-regional Strategy (MRS) is emphasized. Spatial limits of Carpathian MRS are presented and its priority spheres, most important objectives and tasks are revealed. The issues of introduction of special investment activity regime at Ukraine’s mountain territories are addressed as well. On this basis the attraction of investment into priority economic activity types compatible with ecological features of mountain territories, their natural and resources basis and economic traditions are promoted. Conclusions confirm the necessity to develop and implement modern policy of mountain territories’ development in Ukraine, based on economic support, increased competitiveness, prevention of depopulation, preserving the ecological function and ethno-cultural heritage of mountain regions.

Keywords:mountain territories; socio-economic development; instruments; European experience

Бібл. 7; рис. 2

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 61 - 72) DownloadDownloads :381
Article original in Russian (pp. 61 - 72) DownloadDownloads :281
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 14 , 2018


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