Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 10/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (10): 32–52


УДК 330.101

PAPAVA Vladimer1

1 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The nature of the crisis of economic science, the main reasons for its formation and historical and modern examples of its manifestation are analyzed. Due to the crisis, economic science lags behind the economic reality. The most obvious examples of this lag are the transition to a market economy in the post-communist countries and the global financial and economic crisis of 2007–2009. Currently, the crisis in economics concerns the widespread cryptocurrency system, but it has not yet become the subject of systematic research by scientists. In the matter of overcoming this crisis situation, it is important how the human factor is reflected in such studies and how close it will be to the behavior of a real person. To achieve this goal, economists must use the knowledge accumulated in other social sciences – philosophy, psychology, law and political science. In economic studies, the conditions, which are implied in the traditional phrase “ceteris paribus”, should be minimized by using the scientific tools of these social sciences.
Currently, various economic theories confront each other, but it is more expedient to focus attention (wherever it’s possible) on finding the general that will contribute to their synthesis. This will help economists more comprehensively perceive the economic reality. It is in this context that some approaches are proposed for finding the main ways to overcome the crisis in economics.

Keywords:economic science; economics; cryptocurrencies; human factor; social sciences; ceteris paribus; synthesis of economic theories

Бібл. 110

Article original in Russian (pp. 32 - 52) DownloadDownloads :437
Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 32 - 52) DownloadDownloads :332
The article was received by the Editorial staff on July 4 , 2018


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