Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 10/2018

Ekon Ukr. 2018 (10): 101–109


УДК 334.021:622.33


1Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine
OrcID ID :
2Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Technological revolutions are special moments of paradigmatic shifts, when the old industrial branches are still needed, but they go away, and the new industries have already manifested itself, but have not yet received proper business support. In modern conditions the economic problems of coal mines coincide with the toughening of the sustainable development ensuring requirements, which leads to the collapse of the industry under the pressure of energy in renewable sources.
The authors since the nineties of the twentieth century are promoting the idea of introducing economic-organizational hierarchies, such as industrial parks, in the coal industry, for example, the scheme of corporate development of the mine field, according to which a private company at the state mine develop own piece of mine field, and the state enterprise provides the company with paid services for lifting, transportation, ventilation, drainage, power supply, sanitary and hygienic maintenance of personnel. This resulted in the purpose of the article – the justification of the expediency of the hierarchies in the coal industry in the situation of the modern industrial revolution. The research by methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis leads to a non-trivial solution to the comprehensive coverage of degrading and emerging industries. For example, there is the industrial park formed on the mine with accumulation of energy, which are necessary for the functioning of energy in renewable sources. Such parks should act as a kind of parachute for the enterprises of the "falling" coal industry and as a "booster" for the most modern power engineering. The clusters of industrial parks as the energy hubs in the mining regions provide the opportunity to diversify the activity of coal enterprises and find a solution of a large number of economic and social problems.

Keywords:heterarchy; industrial park; coal mine; underground power storage; regional power hub; cluster

Бібл. 12

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 101 - 109) DownloadDownloads :497
Article original in Russian (pp. 101 - 109) DownloadDownloads :383
The article was received by the Editorial staff on July 16 , 2018


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