Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (1): 36–47


УДК 339.138 (075.8)



1Odesa National Economic University, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The development of the modern market economy is dynamically moving towards digitalization. Therefore, in order to function effectively in the market, it is necessary to be aware of the directions of transformations and changes that are taking place. The basic tendencies of market development in the conditions of formation of digital economy are investigated. It is found that the market is taking on a dual real-virtual form, and its main characteristics are defined as a self-organized economic system. An author's version of the periodization of market transformation is proposed that takes into account the historical context, which is an important prerequisite for influencing the process of significant changes. Further expansion and penetration of duality both in the world and in the regional markets are statistically substantiated. The need to re-industrialize on a digital basis, which is irreversible, has a systemic character and provides high-quality upgrading of the industry based on high technologies, is identified.
New entrants and new niches of the real-virtual market are identified: B2C, B2B, B2G, G2B P2P, etc., and M2M in the future. The tendency of emergence of ever more multilayered modern market and movement towards digitization and personalization in production and supply is identified. Other consumer behaviors, including future-oriented, are emerging as new consumption opportunities emerge; as a consequence, the market is rapidly approaching the establishment of a “consumer era”.
The examined changes are increasing competition. In order to remain competitive, new business models need to be introduced that will take into account the duality of the modern market and will use its new features, tools and multichannelness. It is stated that modern changes require scientific understanding and transformation of classical methodological and methodical approaches in marketing theory as a philosophy of doing business and in developing practical recommendations for their use.

Keywords:digital economy; revolution 4.0; real-virtual market; marketing; consumer behavior; business models

Бібл. 12; табл. 3

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 36 - 47) DownloadDownloads :936
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 16 , 2019


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