Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (1): 56–67


УДК 331.5/316.344



1Stepan Gzhytskyi National University ofVeterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv
OrcID ID :


The problem of the younger generation is one of the key issues in every society. In Ukraine, this problem is becoming particularly important given the demographic crisis, the aging of the population and the migration of young people. Amidst these negative phenomena there is another growing problem — the emergence of such a category of young people who do not study, do not work and have no desire to do so. This category of young people in the world has been termed NEET (not in employment, education or training). It is the need to arouse the interest of scientists and practitioners, of the whole society, in this phenomenon, which, without exaggeration, can have catastrophic socio-economic consequences for Ukraine, is the main purpose of the article. The study was conducted in three separate methods: desk research; computer assisted personal interviewing and individual in-depth interviewing; based on literature review.
The essence of the concept of NEET as a phenomenon and categories of young people who do not work on their own free will, and because in their efforts they cannot find a job and be employed are found. Five groups of young people from the category under consideration are identified, and criteria for their identification are given. The condition of this phenomenon is estimated, on the basis of information of foreign researchers and own observations the main causes of its occurrence, distribution and consequences are identified. Particular attention is given to specific recommendations to limit its spread in Ukraine. To this end, strategies and programs that have entered into practice in the countries of the European Union are outlined.

Keywords:young people; the NEET phenomenon; European Union; Ukraine

Бібл. 9; рис. 3; табл 2

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 56 - 67) DownloadDownloads :319
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 25 , 2019


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