Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 12/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (12): 52–67


УДК 330.8:502/504



1Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Based on lots of original international documents and results of
foreign and domestic research, a clear lack of development of the problem of balancing
the economic, social and ecological state of the functioning of society from the
standpoint of the ecosystem approach in domestic specialized literature was revealed.
This approach is particularly widely and in
depth used as a base in scientific
developments and practical projects in the countries of near and far abroad in recent
years. It was found that the initial reason for such a situation is an unclear understanding
of the concept of an “ecosystem approach” in conceptual apparatus not only in
economic, but also in other social sciences; this actualizes the research of its pithy
content. The essence of the concept of an ecosystem approach in broad and narrow (in
its own meaning) sense is revealed and its characteristic from management position as a
specific methodological structure for development of practical managerial innovations
is also given. It is proved that application of the ecosystem approach in economic sciences
is not limited to the sphere of management only.
For the first time the notion of “ecosystem valuation” was formulated and introduced
into scientific terminology. An algorithm for implementing the method of ecosystem
Науковий журнал “Економіка України”. — 2017. — 12 (673)105
valuation is proposed, developed and step
step disclosed. The essence, objectives and
target instructions of each of the three stages of the implementation cycle of this method
are consistently considered. This makes it possible to diagnose in a timely manner the
ecological and economic problems of the functioning of any ecosystem, transforming
the ecosystem approach from an abstract concept to specific management actions. It is
shown that application of the ecosystem valuation will promote the introduction of
ecosystem accounting and an integrated approach to determining ecosystem benefits and
losses, which are systematically underestimated. Thus, a more accurate factual basis for
making management decisions, which are more effective in terms of economic costs, is

Keywords:ecosystem approach, ecosystem valuation, socio-ecological-economic system, public nature management

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 52 - 67) DownloadDownloads :140
Article original in Russian (pp. 52 - 67) DownloadDownloads :93
The article was received by the Editorial staff on July 31 , 2017


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