Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 11/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (11): 3–16


УДК 330.341.424:339.9



1Odesa National Economic University, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


A theoretical analysis of the crisis of the neoliberal model of globalization, which led to the processes of reindustrialization in many countries of the world, including Ukraine, was presented. It is shown that in the process of globalization, national states gradually lost their role as decision making centers and became elements
of a larger global economy. There was a gradual loss of national state sovereignty by the
states that entered the orbit of global economic forces and international institutions. It
is noted that global regulators act in favor of TNCs, for which any national restrictions
become an obstacle to the attraction of national resources to global economic turnover.
It is stressed that the subordination of national interests to forces of global market is the
main content of the process of globalization at the present stage. It is emphasized that
the effect of the forces of global capital in the form of TNK, on the one hand, and
resistance to such an action by national states on the other, constitute the main
contradiction of the world economic development. An analysis of the process of
deindustrialization as a consequence of the globalization process has been carried out.
The process of transition in the USA from deindustrialization to reindustrialization
under the influence of the “shale revolution” is considered. It is noted that as a result of
renewal of development of high-tech branches of the real sector of economy in Western
countries, the global economic model is changing, which gives a chance to overcome
the negative consequences of the global crisis. An analysis of various models of capitalism under conditions of neoliberal globalization, including those in the countries emerging in the post socialist space, has been carried out. It is shown that solving the existing contradiction between current and long-term tasks in Ukrainian economy is possible on the basis of a reproductive approach.

Keywords:globalization, deindustrialization and reindustrialization, various models of capitalism, industrial policy, depreciation, strategic goalCsetting, a model of sustainable economic growth

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 16) DownloadDownloads :231
Article original in Russian (pp. 3 - 16) DownloadDownloads :255
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 4 , 2017


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