Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 10/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (10): 3–17


УДК 330.001.7+32.001.7] – 042.5/8:330.34(477)


HEYETS Valeriy1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : 57194145214
OrcID ID :

PECULIARITIES OF INTERRELATIONSHIP OF ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL TRANSFORMATIONS ON THE WAY TO RECONSTRUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE’S ECONOMY Part I. From cosmopolitan universalism to the evolutionary-institutional interpretation of economic development

The article is devoted to issues of transformational changes necessary in the sphere of economy and politics and overcoming the political cycle in economic policy along this path, taking into account processes of decentralization and strengthening the role of national states in ensuring the protection of social and economic interests under conditions of the forming a new social reality of a erson centric nature with new economic relations. The key
point should be raising the social capital to a new level on the basis of development of
human personality, which in political and economic sense should be able to bring the
country and its economy on the path of development.
The main task of our state is to ensure the implementation of a policy aimed at forming
such a level of competitiveness of the national economy, which would allow, under
conditions of a new transformational nature of globalization economic processes, to be a
worthy subject in the system of international and inter economy relations and to be able
to protect national interests, comprehensively focusing on the policy of avoiding the
threatening debts. The latter deepens social stratification and occurs under pressure of
modern world financial architecture, as a result of using (among others) the financial
innovations that bring higher incomes and thereby limiting investment in the real sector
and curbing the pace of economic growth. Under such conditions, respectively, degree of
dependence of the national state on international creditors increases. This is the result of global domination of cosmopolitan universalism, the overcoming of which, in our opinion, is linked to development of evolutionary institutional approaches in economic policy.
Implementation of this policy implies a significant increase in responsibility of national governments, which, in turn, actualizes ideology of historicism, including that in economic theory. Development of historical and logical foundations of market relations in Ukraine is associated with the name of the world renowned scientist economist M. Tugan
Baranovsky; that confirms the presence of certain historical traditions in Ukrainian
economic science, which give grounds for finding the ways to succeed in modern

Keywords:system transformations, political cycle, social capital, human personality, demonopolization, market fundamentalism, network systems, corporate interests, national interests, evolutionary

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 17) DownloadDownloads :265
Article original in Russian (pp. 3 - 17) DownloadDownloads :260
The article was received by the Editorial staff on August 18 , 2017


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