Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 10/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (10): 49–64


УДК 339.924(4Укр):061.1ЄС


BUTKO Mykola1

1Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The European vector of state-building modernization in Ukraine distinguishes three of its pillars: state authorities, local governments and institutes of civil society. Administrative reform proclaimed by President of Ukraine is designed to change the old organization of power and lay the foundation for consolidating the European ex-perience of effective functioning of public authority, primarily at a basic level.

Mechanism of functioning of the regions of Ukraine under conditions of decen-tralization should be built taking into account the fact that this is part of the national space, where full cycles of reproduction of human resources, fixed and circulating assets and part of national wealth are carried out.

The main factors that will contribute to achievement of the established goals in the system of regional governance are: developed regulatory and legal framework concerning the municipal ownership relations, disposal of land and other natural re-sources and strong decentralization of power.

A characteristic condition for implementation of the established directions for modernization of the regional power system is to harmonize not only national and subnational interests, but also taking into account subregional peculiarities, which were previously not observed by the executive power and were only ascertained by local power. Regional interests are an objectively existing phenomenon, regardless of the degree of their awareness. Interests of territorial communities are not just a condition and a motivation for development of the economy, but specifically the part that defines the entire territorial organization of society.

Meanwhile, the combination of state, regional and local interests should not al-low an aggravation of contradictions between them. From these positions, manage-ment of regional economic systems should be aimed at strengthening the common economic space, territorial integrity and national security of the country.

Keywords:bifurcation, territorial community, powers, institutional environment, development strategy, economic space, regional governance, integration

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 49 - 64) DownloadDownloads :124
Article original in Russian (pp. 49 - 64) DownloadDownloads :103
The article was received by the Editorial staff on May 12 , 2017


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