Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 10/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (10): 65–73


УДК 332.14:352.075+528.91


HRECHANA Svitlana1, ROHOZIAN Yuliia2

1Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2V. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :;
OrcID ID :


Decentralization reform and dynamics of legislative changes dictate an important task for modern Ukraine – to ensure development of united territorial communities for the overall social transformation of the country.

Undoubtedly, one of the criteria for assessing the welfare of the regions’ population is the state of regions’ infrastructural branches, which at the present stage of development of the whole national economy can hardly be described as satisfactory one. That is why it is proved in the article the necessity to analyze the infrastructure objects affected by military actions in Luhansk and Donetsk regions; to do so, the cartographic method of research (both at the level of the region and the united territorial communities, and at the level of individual districts and cities) was chosen.

It is also substantiated the expediency of selecting the objects by three components of infrastructure: production, transport and information ones. To analyze the components, an appropriate methodology (based on ranking of the quantitative indicators of the infrastructure system of territorial communities of Luhansk region, consolidated for the sake of visibility into territories of districts and cities) has been developed. According to the methodology, quantitative calculations of existing objects for each type of infrastructure of the region have been performed, the corresponding scores have been assigned and ranking of indicators have been performed. The map of the cooperation infrastructure of territorial communities has been constructed on the example of Luhansk region, which demonstrates the structural correlation of the main elements of infrastructure in each administrative-territorial unit of the region. According to the results, a grouping of territorial communities has been carried out by the degree of infrastructure development, and the most successful districts and outsiders of the region are singled out.

It is pointed out an insufficient infrastructure capacity remaining on the territory of Lugansk region under control of Ukrainian authorities. It is proposed to use the deepening of decentralization processes to overcome existing problems, and the results of the activity of newly formed united territorial communities to use as an incentive for further modernization of the infrastructure of the whole region .

Keywords:cartographic method, united territorial communities, development, cooperation of territorial communities, production infrastructure, transport infrastructure, information infrastructure, methodology

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 65 - 73) DownloadDownloads :168
Article original in Russian (pp. 65 - 73) DownloadDownloads :120
The article was received by the Editorial staff on April 6 , 2017


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