Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 9/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (9): 81–91


УДК 352.07:338.24



1Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The article is devoted to study of urban agglomerations development in Ukraine and management of this process at the state and local levels. Peculiarities of domestic urban agglomerations are revealed and possibilities of managing their development are determined. Peculiarities of domestic urban agglomerations are due to lack of their legal status and the need to combine efforts of territorial communities to solve issues of common interest. Possibility of solving these tasks is carried out by implementing the joint projects on the basis of decision-making on development management. Expediency of transition to a more integrated form of association of efforts (a union of territorial communities within the urban agglomeration) is determined. General methodological provisions for managing the urban agglomerations development at the state and local levels have been formed. These provisions envisage: (i) selection of general and local priorities of urban agglomeration development, (ii) justification of the principles of making managerial decisions for achievement of the chosen priorities, (iii) development of projects and their financing at the expense of state and local budgets and attracted funds from private investors. Forms of participation of state authorities, local self-government, population and business in the process of managing the urban agglomerations development are systematized. It has been proved that development and implementation of joint development projects require coordinated information and organizational support for managing the resources of territorial communities located on the territory of agglomeration. Solving the tasks for improving the legislation on cooperation of territorial communities and supporting the organizational and informational coherence of resource provision of territorial communities making up the urban agglomeration, will contribute to improving the management of their development at the state and local levels

Keywords:urban agglomerations, development management, state and local levels of governance

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 81 - 91) DownloadDownloads :241
Article original in Russian (pp. 81 - 91) DownloadDownloads :205
The article was received by the Editorial staff on April 20 , 2017


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