Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 3/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (3): 65–76


УДК 331.556.2:005.336.4(477)



1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


In the conditions of knowledge economy of the XXI century human intelligence, educational potential become the capital that determines the values and wealth of society. Therefore, the current tendencies of “brain drain” activation from Ukraine are the most acute challenge for the state, they threaten the economic security of the country, deprive it of its potential for sustainable economic development. Against this background, it is necessary to identify the factors and tendencies of intellectual migration in Ukraine, to substantiate proposals for the development of effective migration policy of the state. The study shows that the emigration of Ukrainian intellectuals is facilitated not only by crisis political and economic factors within the country, but also by the long-standing policy of leaching the domestic elite to other states. And even if in the short term intellectual migration has positive consequences (improvement of welfare of Ukrainian families at the expense of remittances from abroad, reduction of unemployment, inflow of foreign currency into the country, involvement of national scientists and highly skilled workers in international projects, spread of information about the country of origin in the world, enhancing its credibility through the active public work of the diasporas), in the long run it creates a number of problems (deepening demographic crisis, increasing shortage of qualified prospective talented young people, increasing fiscal burden on working-age population and deteriorating quality of social programs, lost opportunities for innovation and technology in production, capacity for economic growth). In order to preserve and increase the intellectual potential of Ukraine, it is necessary to develop and implement a balanced preventive state migration policy, which envisages innovative development of Ukraine, reforming of national educational institutions and scientific institutions, their cooperation with modern innovation clusters, expansion of international scientific cooperation, involvement of domestic intellectual elite in scientific and technological cooperation based in world scientific centers.

Keywords:emigration; emigrant; intellectual migration; emigration of scientists; intellectual potential; labor migration

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 65 - 76) DownloadDownloads :170
The article was received by the Editorial staff on July 26 , 2019


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