Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 8/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (8): 73–85


УДК 330.8 (477)


NEBRAT Viktoriia1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The process of establishment of entrepreneurship on Ukrainian territory during the XVI-XVII centuries has been analyzed. Historical conditions for the development of market relations and primary accumulation of capital have been comprehensively researched. Institutional mechanisms for the formation of the basic elements of the entrepreneurial environment – private property, economic freedom, labor market and competition – are characterized. Role of foreign trade relations in the development of the economy on Ukrainian lands is determined. Directions and structure of trade are presented. Counteraction of internal mechanisms and external factors of transformation of Ukrainian economy is shown.
Preservation and strengthening of feudal forms of dependence hampered the development of market institutions. Industrial production used wage labor. There were dependent peasants that worked in estates. Export structure was mainly agrarian and raw materials type. Concentration of property hindered development of market and competition.
Economic and political conditions for the formation of entrepreneurial environment developed in the middle of the XVII century. Elimination of landowning of Polish tycoons and abolition of serfdom opened up opportunities for development of the national market. The policy of Ukrainian Cossack state (which professed mercantilism) contributed to the development of industrial production and foreign trade. Farms were formed on southern and eastern lands. Mastering of new lands and establishment of settlements promoted development of agrarian entrepreneurship. New conditions for production and export of Ukrainian goods on the basis of private entrepreneurship formed at the end of the XVII century.

Keywords:entrepreneurship, history of economic development, foreign trade relations, organizational forms of management, institutional mechanisms

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 73 - 85) DownloadDownloads :85
Article original in Russian (pp. 73 - 85) DownloadDownloads :79
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 13 , 2017


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