Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 7/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (7): 3–21


УДК 338.24.021.8:94(477)



1Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Ethnonational, civilizational, global and political economy aspects of evolution and the current state of Ukrainian society, using theories of ethnogenesis, civilizations, the world-system of globalism and economic interests, are considered. Some of the basics and peculiarities of Ukrainian identity are highlighted, namely: ethnic diversity of the Ukrainian nation, ambivalence of the Ukrainian ethnos, consisting of sub-ethnoses – Western Ukrainian and Eastern Ukrainian, its movement towards the West European superethnos, the belonging to the Western Orthodox subcivilization of the Orthodox-Eurasian civilization as well as to the semi-periphery of the world-system of globalism.
Given the large-scale social and economic crisis as well as geopolitical and geo-economic shifts, it is substantiated the necessity to develop and implement the Strategy for the national accord, consolidation and development, the core of which is the idea of Ukrainocentrism and nationally oriented progress. The imperatives of the social and economic block of this strategy are indicated, including: reforming the national institutional system per se in the direction of its adequacy to a real protoinstitutional system, dismantling of the dominant oligarchic-capitalist system and formation of a system of democratic and socially oriented state and people's capitalism, carrying out the endogenous neoindustrialization, outrunning development of the national human capital, adjustment of the policy of European integration, national orientation of the triune (state, civil and market) economic regulation.
Improving the quality of this strategy involves addressing other scientific theories, especially national ones, since only reliance on the methodology of inter-, multi- and transtheorethicity and disciplinarity guarantees a spherical scientific vision of Ukrainian society and identification of adequate goals, directions and mechanisms for its development.

Keywords:ethnos, superethnos, nation, civilization, world-system, globalism, economic interests, institutes per se, proto-institutes, developed center, semi-periphery, periphery, state capitalism, national accord and consolidation, development strategy

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 21) DownloadDownloads :326
Article original in Russian (pp. 3 - 21) DownloadDownloads :492
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 1 , 2017


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