Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (5): 67–77




1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Since the second half of the twentieth century, internationalization and globalization of the processes of reproduction and formation of the world capital have caused a dramatic evolution of the American economic system. Transformation of industrial-corporate system of the United States into a post-industrial corporate and financial system has become the engine of the formation of a system of financial globalism. Dramatic structural shifts in the US economy, which were caused by intensive financialization and hyperfinancialization of the reproduction processes and rapid growth of the share of banking industry in the economic system, gave impetus to the chronic world financial crisis. Deformation of the reproduction processes in direction of increasing the share of financial capital in the overall structure of American global capital has become the pattern of the world development. Global corporate and financial monopolies go out of control of national states and their governments and become the basic “locomotives” for the formation and expansive development of the world-system of post-industrial globalism with its specific regularities and laws of development. The formation of these global corporate and financial monopolies acquires a malignant character and a worldwide scale.
Perhaps the most important long-term strategic imperative for the United States in the XXI century has become a reverse reorientation of economic development in the direction of advancing the development of the real economy and braking the overproduction of bogus money. In this case, given the particular complexity of the problems, the strategy of a radical strategic u-turn of the economy and introvert orientation cannot be successfully implemented in the medium term. In the long term the global economic interest of the United States, obviously, is to really enter the markets of transition countries, where the relative level of competitiveness and saturation is the most favorable for American long-term programs and investments.
A new possible “Marshall Plan” for transitive Eastern Europe (with special emphasis on the recovery and development of the economy of Ukraine, undermined by aggression of Russia) could become a long-term strategic program and an intra-American “Marshall Plan” for the technotronic re-industrialization of the United States and the strengthening of post-industrial global leadership of this unique democratic world superpower. The strategic partnership of Ukraine and the United States is a major factor of our country's integration into the EU and NATO in conditions of global safe co-development


Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 67 - 77) DownloadDownloads :306
Article original in Russian (pp. 67 - 77) DownloadDownloads :273
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 15 , 2017


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