Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (5): 78–89




1SESE “Academy of Financial Management”, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Globalization processes occur under the influence of evolution of potential threats to market equilibrium and balanced social economy in the monetary, resource and other spheres. Therefore, problems of complicating the manifestations of the crisis are at the focus of developers of strategic directions for the sustainable development of sovereign states.
These issues were also discussed in the course of academic debate on the provisions of the well-known Report of the Institute of Economic Policy (USA) on the content and the logical and historical basis for a swift turnaround in the trade policy of this state. Dynamic fundamental changes in the prevailing global value chains cause the need to restructure the algorithms of business processes on mega-, macro- and micro-levels. The consequences of injustice in the exchange of goods and services, accompanied by distortion of the information space and sectoral dimensions of the world economy, are researched by international organizations of the professional community created recently on a voluntary basis in the forms of pretty influential organizations. Their activities are focused on performing the socially significant tasks in the format of global and national partnerships (primarily in the financial sector of the economy). Particularly successful is the activity of comprehensive public structures dealing with international accounting and financial reporting standards as well as the formation of integrated managerial thinking on the basis of unified indicators of sustainable development, when the obligation to disclose information sources (often confidential ones) is assumed by economic agents that belong to the sphere of both state and corporate governance


Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 78 - 89) DownloadDownloads :458
Article original in Russian (pp. 78 - 89) DownloadDownloads :266
The article was received by the Editorial staff on January 12 , 2017


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