Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (5): 136–150




1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Based on the analysis of the possible consequences of the strengthening of protectionist policy in the United States, it was concluded that such a trend would not have a direct negative impact on Ukraine’s foreign trade; moreover, this will avoid some indirect risks associated with the regionalization of world trade. First of all, this is due to reduction in the likelihood of the US EU Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement conclusion – because the creation of a free trade zone between the US and the EU would entail a projected reduction in GDP and employment in countries that have free trade agreements with the EU or the US. This directly affects Ukraine. Besides, from the viewpoint of consequences of extension of trade rules on investment protection, which are fixed in the United States in bilateral and multilateral regional trade agreements starting with NAFTA, the US rejection of the TPP eliminates or removes the threat of increased political influence of TNCs in Ukraine. As the experience of the United States shows, the closed nature of the negotiation process for concluding regional trade agreements opens the door to lobbying TNCs’ own interests and reduces the impact of businesses that create jobs in domestic market. Should the result of the revision of the US trade policy is its greater openness, it will have an impact on the negotiation patterns of their trading partners and a more open negotiation model will be distributed among the WTO members. The direct consequences of the US protectionist policy will be strengthening protectionism in world trade and an increase in the number of trade contradictions. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the institutional capacity of the Government of Ukraine in the field of trade policy together with the strengthening of interaction between government and business. It will be possible to use this situation to activate the domestic protectionism policy (above all neo protectionism measures, which do not need significant amounts of public funding) to protect local enterprises and jobs from foreign competition


Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 136 - 150) DownloadDownloads :78
Article original in Russian (pp. 136 - 150) DownloadDownloads :67
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 16 , 2017


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