Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 2/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (2): 3–23


УДК 330.342.3:338.45:330.46



1National Institute for Strategic Studies, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Institute of the economy of industry of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The article analyzes the current state of sustainable industry development from positions of economic security and scientific substantiation of strategic guidelines of components and indices of the Strategies of sustainable industry development of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to develop conceptual bases of the medium and long term strategy of sustainable industry development of Ukraine from the standpoint of economic security. Methodology of identifying the state of stable industry development of Ukraine from the standpoint of economic security and scientific rationale of strategic guidelines to achieve sustainable development through adaptive control techniques according to the control theory is developed; it includes two stages – identification and strategy development. Three scenarios of development are created and strategic values of the key macroeconomic indicators of the industry up to 2020 are determined. To monitor the state of stable industry development of Ukraine from the standpoint of economic security, structure of sustainable development is proposed. The structure includes social, ecological and economic components (totally 30 indicators) and a methodology for identification of its current level through an integral assessment. Scientifically substantiated strategic guidelines for sustainable development of the industry of Ukraine under various scenarios up to 2020 were obtained. According to calculations, the greatest effect of sustainable industry development is obtained when applying the scenario of complete sustainable development – i.e., equidistance of integral indices of development components from their average optimum values. Strategic guidelines for sustainable development, which are obtained accounting for sensitivity of influence of each individual component on the integral index, is a task of medium or long term strategic planning. So, when performing strategic objective of achieving complete sustainable development, industry of Ukraine can become the “driver” of economic growth instead of “smoking chimneys.”

Keywords:sustainable development, industry, economic security, integral index, threats, strategic guidelines

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 23) DownloadDownloads :197
Article original in Russian (pp. 3 - 23) DownloadDownloads :202
The article was received by the Editorial staff on November 17 , 2016


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