Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2017

Ekon Ukr. 2017 (1): 52–63


УДК 336.77:347.27



1Institute of Oil Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Experimental Station of Rare and Aromatic Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
3Educational Productive-Commercial Firm “Siaivo” , Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The dynamics of production indicators on the domestic market of flax is presented, its share in the total structure of the market of oil crops is determined, and the basic productions of oil flax and long-fibred flax are characterized. The consumption directions and price positions of ready products on the internal and external markets are shown. The composition of participants and their competitive positions on the market of flax are detailed. The reasons for a disbalance of the functioning of the chain “creation of new sorts – production of original seeds – production of commercial seeds – processing – realization – regulation of the market” are revealed.
The main tendencies on the domestic market of flax are: a low share of flax in the total structure of the production of oil crops; reduction in sowing areas; difference in the domestic market trends of oil flax and long-fibred flax; low level of production indicators; absence of the sort renewal and the developed system of flax seed-growing; locality of the processing sector; low level of competition among the participants of the market; domination of the export of raw materials; boundedness of tools of the regulating policy of the flax cultivation. For the period under study, the main changes consist in that the tendency of past decades concerning the concentration of the sowing of oil flax in the Step zone became nonactual, since its sowing areas are spreading gradually into the Forest Step and Poles’e zones, and the sowing areas of long-fibred flax are distributed almost equally in those zones. Due to a high market price, flax seeds are an object of the export. However, in the recent years, the ratio of the directions of consumption of changes: the internal demand for flax oil, seeds, and flax fibers grows slowly, and these commodities occupy gradually separate shelfs in shops. The wastelessness of the ready products and the unpretentiousness of the growing form some perspectives to flax for its renewal in Ukraine.

Keywords:market, subjects of a market, oil flax, long-fibred flax, production, processing, price conjuncture

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 52 - 63) DownloadDownloads :85
Article original in Russian (pp. 52 - 63) DownloadDownloads :49
The article was received by the Editorial staff on June 9 , 2016


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