Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 12/2016

Ekon Ukr. 2016 (12): 72–81


УДК 338.22:331.556.4



1Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Author’s definition of Ukraine’s migratory policy is proposed. It is emphasized that such policy should not be reduced only to the regulation of migratory transfers of the population, but it must favor the integration of migrants and internally transferred persons in the accepting socium, activate the reemigratory processes, and prevent the mass departure of the population abroad. In this connection, it is proposed to supplement the generally accepted list of functions of state’s migratory policy by the preventive function. Its essence consists in the prevention of the mass departure of the able-bodied population outside of Ukraine’s borders by means of the influence of the migratory factors, which should be revealed with the help of a system that monitors population’s migratory preferences.
The results of author’s sociological examination are presented in brief. They indicate that the main factors of population’s external migration are a low level of the payment for labor, difficulties of the employment, and aspiration to ensure a worthy living standard for children. Therefore, in order to prevent the washing-out of the most valuable human potential outside of the country, it is necessary, in the first turn, to improve the conditions of employment of the able-bodied population and the system of the payment for labor. For the persons, who have firm intention to go abroad, the state must ensure an adequate level of socio-economic protection. For this purpose, it is necessary to organize a close cooperation with those countries, first of all, that attract mostly the potential migrants.
Author’s special diagram presents the main objects of regulation of the migratory policy. For each of them, the principal purposes and tasks of authorities are determined. It is emphasized that the task of the migratory policy can be solved only under a close interaction with other directions of the state policy and in the collaboration with foreign partners.

Keywords:migration, migratory policy, functions, tasks, national security

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 72 - 81) DownloadDownloads :172
Article original in Russian (pp. 72 - 81) DownloadDownloads :478
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 23 , 2016


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