Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 8/2016

Ekon Ukr. 2016 (8): 26–43

УДК 338.45:338.2:330.837



1Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The modern tendencies to the neoindustrialization of national economies that is the priority development of the industry on the basis of a contemporary production, where the chains of supplies and the creation of value leave, as a rule, the state’s borders and are placed globally in correspondence to the competitive advantages of separate regions of the world, countries, and companies, are considered.
The author substantiates that the Ukrainian national economy belongs now to those economies that are guided by natural resources and depend critically on the world prices of those resources and the key rate of FRS of the USA: changes of the key rate affect es-sentially the long-term interest rates, exchange rate of a USA dollar, and prices of raw materials and, through them, the development of a national industry.
In order to avoid such critical dependence of Ukraine, it is necessary to ensure the fast development of the national industry by means of the copying and localization of leading European institutions and technologies, as well as the entry new foreign mar-kets. To make it, we need a targeted national industrial policy, which would be able to ensure the successful use of “windows of possibilities” to imitate and to localize the ad-vanced technological experience of more developed countries.
The following proposals as for the formation of the national industrial policy are developed:
– creation of a subject of the industrial policy in the form of a special national body of strategic planning, which will act on the principles of an independent regulating agency and will form “long-term” “rules of game” brought outside the current political directives and electoral preferences;
– gradual formation of a “biological” diversity of enterprises (small, medium, and great ones in various types of processing industry), which will compose the “complete” national industrial system;
– realization of state’s measures as for the allocation of “cheap” money related to leading productions and the implementation of a tax policy of the matrix type with the orientation to taxes, which are neutral on the whole, but are favorable for innovations.

Keywords:neoindustrialization, industry, industrial policy, national economy, developing state, evolutionary economic theory, institutional medium, regulation of innovative development

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 26 - 43) DownloadDownloads :238
Article original in Russian (pp. 26 - 43) DownloadDownloads :302
The article was received by the Editorial staff on July 19 , 2016


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