Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2019

Ekon Ukr. 2019 (1): 60–74


УДК 332.1:35.072.1

BUTKO Mykola1, POPELO Olha2, KOLOSHA Valeriy3

1Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Chernihiv National University of Technology


In today’s globalization conditions, the main task of our state for the near future is the need to ensure the implementation of such a policy that would motivate the intensification of spatial development and formation of competitive advantages capable of ensuring decent participation in the international division of labor.
The individual components of the localization of the country’s economic space under conditions of decentralization of power authorities are considered in order to accelerate the integration of Ukraine’s regions into a highly competitive European and world community. It is argued that institutional environment should only motivate the creation of new, highly productive workplaces as the basis for modernization of productive forces. Decentralization in the absence of sectoral economic management should become a kind of catalyst for localization of productive forces and a paradigmatic basis for the modernization of the economic space of Ukraine.
It is proved that, based on the experience of new EU member states, the localization of the economic space of Ukraine’s regions should focus on new forms of territorial organization of the economy. Such newest territorial-industrial forms of optimization of regional economic systems are technoparks, technopolises, business incubators, clusters, industrial parks and logistic platforms, however, all of them do not act as a locomotive of acceleration and structural changes in the regional economy of our state. At the same time, it is stressed that for regions, clusters can become the peculiar centers for accelerating innovations, the basis for implementing structural modernization of the economic space, solving the economic, social and environmental problems through effective use of available spatial resources and creation of new workplaces.
A model of the organization of agro-industrial cluster under conditions of a real territorial community is proposed. Paying tribute to territorial communities as a key link in the state-building process, it is necessary at the institutional level to achieve harmonization of local, regional and the national interests in the sphere of modernization of productive forces. This process should be accompanied by a simultaneous increase in the level of responsibility of the local self-governments for effective use of available resources in order to objectively assess their impact on the processes of activating the development of productive forces at the basic level of the s state-building core.

Keywords:decentralization; localization; innovation; technoparks; technopolises; industrial parks; clusters; resource potential; workplaces; sustainable development; private-municipal partnership; institutional environment; motivation

Бібл. 9; рис. 3; табл. 1.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 60 - 74) DownloadDownloads :233
The article was received by the Editorial staff on November 30 , -0001


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