Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 7/2016

Ekon Ukr. 2016 (7): 46–65


УДК 332.12:330.52:330.15



1Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine”, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
3Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The natural wealth as a component of the national wealth should be considered, first of all, as the natural capital, which can be directly used as a material-energetic resource of the development of the national economy. The modern form of existence of the natural wealth is defined to be the natural-anthropogenous territorial socio-ecologo-economic system. For the efficient functioning and sustainable development of such system, it is necessary to study the spatial aspects of its formation and usage. Till now, no complex estimate of the spatial organization of the natural wealth has been performed. Therefore, this task remains actual for the modern economic science.
The purpose of the present work is the determination of a spatial organization of the natural wealth from positions of the system methodology with regard for its economic, ecological, and social functions with the purpose to increase the efficiency of its use in state’s economic activity. The object of studies is the natural wealth as a natural capital, which is organized in country’s economic space and is actual for the usage in the national economy. The subject of studies is the spatial organization of the natural wealth. Its modern interpretation as the spatial organization of the natural capital in the national economic complex formed as a result of the physico-geographical, economic, historical, and other natural-anthropogenous factors and processes is substantiated.
The main spatial levels such as national, regional, and local ones are defined. On them, the formation, assessment, and usage of the natural wealth occur by the principles of the “green” economy, “blue” economy, and nanoeconomics. On the basis of the aggregated estimates of the value of the natural wealth of Ukraine and its regions, the complex estimation of its spatial organization is implemented. To increase the efficiency of the usage of the natural wealth, a spatial-institutional model is proposed. It is based on the concept of spatial-decentralized responsible corporative management and the projectively active approach with the ensuring of the profitability and efficiency of the usage of the natural actives of integrative territorial natural-economic complexes. By the results of studies of the spatial organization of the natural wealth, an advance project of Ukraine’s natural-economic zoning is proposed.

Keywords:natural wealth, spatial organization, efficiency

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 46 - 65) DownloadDownloads :427
Article original in Russian (pp. 46 - 65) DownloadDownloads :484
The article was received by the Editorial staff on March 7 , 2016


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