Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 7/2016

Ekon Ukr. 2016 (7): 82–92


УДК 330.341.1


BUBENKO Pavlo1, GUSEV Volodymyr2

1North-East Scientific Center of the NAS and the MES of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2North-East Scientific Center of the NAS and the MES of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The modern tendencies of the world economic development, as well as the problems and perspectives of the transition of the domestic economy on innovative rails, are analyzed, and the Ukrainian publications devoted to these questions, first of all, the National report “Innovative Ukraine 2020,” are reviewed. On this basis, it is substantiated that the primary fundamental reasons for Ukraine’s permanent failures as for the establishment of efficient innovative institutions and the launch of innovative processes in country’s economy are the absence of a healthy competitive medium in the majority of economic branches, historically conditioned deficit of businessmen, and low level of the innovative culture in the society.
Just these circumstances explain, in the first turn, the innovative passivity of the large-scale Ukrainian business and the practical absence of a small technological business. Barriers lying on the way of the innovative development are provoked by the same reasons: the chronic underfinancing of the sphere of science and technologies, fragmentary low-grade innovative legislation, nonexecution of innovative programs and projects of various levels, and inefficient innovative infrastructure, which exists frequently only on a paper.
It is emphasized that the removal of the mentioned fundamental reasons for the braking of the innovative development requires the reorientation of efforts of the legislative and executive powers to the creation of a healthy business climate in country’s economy, development of the competition in basic production branches, and the decisive decrease of the level of corruption. In this case, the special attention should be focused on the realization of long-term programs aimed at the enhancement of society’s innovative culture and the education of an innovatively active young generation inclined to the choice of independent forms of economic activity. The development and realization of such programs requires the application of a complex of nontrivial humanitarian technologies.

Keywords:innovative development, business, power, science, institutional medium, enterprise, infrastructure, society

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 82 - 92) DownloadDownloads :63
Article original in Russian (pp. 82 - 92) DownloadDownloads :35
The article was received by the Editorial staff on May 4 , 2016


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