Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 6/2016

Ekon Ukr. 2016 (6): 3–18


УДК 338.45.01



1Odesa National Economic University, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The objective necessity to implement the industrial policy as a form of the neoindustrialization is substantiated. It is note that the absence of the industrial policy in the country causes a reduction of the industrial production and the added value in the GDP structure. The attention is paid to the fact that the problem of the industrial policy becomes actual in the epoch of a deep system crisis in our country, when the components of a new economic policy as the basis for a long-term strategy of development are discussed.
The author has proved the thesis that, namely with the help of the industrial policy, it is possible to change the sectoral structure with the aim to stimulate the economic growth on the basis of a higher work efficiency. The industrial policy itself is a means of state’s control over progressive structural changes in the production sphere.
Some models of industrial policy on different stages of industrial development are considered. It is shown that, in the majority of developed countries, the industrial policy has evolved from the sectoral one to the policy aimed at an increase in the competitiveness. The tools to attain such purpose are measures of the institutional character.
It is made accent on that the establishment of institutional conditions of creation of companies in any branch, which realizes the large-scale innovative projects, is the principal task of the industrial policy on a macrolevel. The support of the wide renewal of firms able to realize the necessary investment projects with an increase in the competitiveness is the necessary element of the industrial policy on a microlevel.
It is emphasized that the main tasks of the industrial policy in Ukraine are the formation of a sound corporative sector sensitive to the innovations and the creation of development institutions. The development of a national industrial policy should be based, on the one hand, on the rich historical experience of highly developed countries and, on the other hand, should consider the own past and the current socio-economic and political development of the country.

Keywords:neoindustrialization, industrial policy, protectionism, “new economy”, industrial policy of competitiveness, development institutions

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 18) DownloadDownloads :528
Article original in Russian (pp. 3 - 18) DownloadDownloads :296
The article was received by the Editorial staff on March 28 , 2016


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