Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (5): 53–71


УДК 338.24.01

JEL: Е52, Н56, О42


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Based on the study of key indicators characterizing the domestic capabilities of Ukrainian industry (dynamics of research and innovation, high-tech exports, components of the Global Competitiveness Index and the Global Innovation Index), opportunities and threats to its innovative transformations within Industry 4.0 are identified. This allows substantiating a set of stimulating measures for innovative renewal of Ukrainian industry at the level of the state, business and society.
The degree of readiness of the Ukrainian industry for technological challenges of Industry 4.0 is revealed and effective measures of stimulation of innovative transformations in the existing conditions are developed. The following measures will contribute to this: assessment of the internal capabilities of Ukrainian industry for the development of technology in Industry 4.0; development of proposals for improving the mechanisms of innovative renewal of Ukrainian industry, taking into account global external and internal challenges.
General scientific methods are used (abstract-logical, induction and deduction, system approach; analysis and synthesis), as well as special research methods: statistical comparisons, grouping, sampling (to identify key levers of effective transformation of production systems under the influence of digital technologies).
Studies have shown that in the context of global challenges, in particular the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, for Ukraine, as well as for the whole world, it is important to ensure the maximum health of citizens while preventing economic catastrophe. An important role can be played by Ukrainian industry, which, although in difficult conditions, has sufficient potential. For its implementation it is important to do the following: create an effective system of state support, which would increase the spending on science and education; popularize scientific activity; increase the social responsibility of producers; strengthen the capacity of cybersecurity institutions; create conditions for personnel training with digital skills; form innovative ecosystems in various sectors of the economy

Keywords:Industry 4.0; industry; digitization; innovative transformations

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 53 - 71) DownloadDownloads :208
The article was received by the Editorial staff on March 5 , 2020


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