Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2016

Ekon Ukr. 2016 (5): 55–63


УДК 658.8.012.12:633.85



1Experimental Station of Rare and Aromatic Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Institute of Oil Crops of the NAAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The analysis of indicators of the production of rapeseed for three last years on the domestic agrarian market in the context of natural climatic zones, regions, and categories of farms in Ukraine is presented. It is established that the dynamics, production rates, and productivity level of rapeseed in Ukraine and in the context of natural climatic zones are positive despite the annual reduction of sowing areas. The main tendencies of changes of the dynamics of production and consumption of rapeseed for 2011–2013 are determined. Three leaders among Ukraine’s regions specialized on the rapeseed growing are the Vinnytsya, Odesa, Khmel’nyts’kyi regions are the same, but the change of their positions has happened. The production of rapeseed is realized by agricultural enterprises by 98%, whereas the farms of the population give only 2%; respectively, the structure of the croppage is formed. The structure of the consumption of rapeseed in main directions and the rates of changes of these directions are presented. It is proved that rapeseed is exclusively an export culture, and the volume of its export has increased by 82% for the period under study. The price positions of rapeseed on the market of oil crops of Ukraine in the context of minimum, maximum, and weighted-mean prices are shown. The analysis indicates the oscillations of prices in the limits 3100–4900 hrv/t. It is established that the market price is the powerful motivating factor for increasing the production of rapeseed. It is concluded that the rapeseed market is promising for a short-term period due to the stable high price positions of marketable rapeseed, growth of the volumes of its processing on the internal market, and increase of the demand for the raw material in the biopower branch.

Keywords:production of rapeseed, market of rapeseed, rapeseed consumption trends, by-products, price position of rapeseed

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 55 - 63) DownloadDownloads :71
Article original in Russian (pp. 55 - 63) DownloadDownloads :56
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 10 , 2015


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