Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 6/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (6): 83–95


УДК 378.4:658.589



1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : Author ID: 57210104322 Web of Science ResearcherID: AAB-1657-2020
OrcID ID :


The general discourse on European priorities of agrarian and rural development for the new program period and lessons for the national agrarian policy and practice in Ukraine are covered. The discussed priorities and mechanisms of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform for 2021–2027 are summarized, namely: strengthening the ecological and climatic focus on the basis of the New Green Course for Europe; improving strategic planning under the New Empowerment Model with some decentralization of powers for the benefit of Member States in order to provide them with more flexibility in planning and financing measures to better adapt the CAP to local realities in the countries; promotion of European standards of high quality products with the implementation of the strategy “From Farm to Fork” by farmers. The new principles of the New Green Course for Europe are examined using the method of comparative analysis in response to the challenges of the current EU CAP and overcoming their negative consequences. Three general themes and nine main goals that underlie the reform of the CAP for 2021–2027 are specified. Systematized lessons for Ukraine concern the transition of agriculture to a model of sustainable development – from agrarian productivity to socio-economy; departure from the state “support of production” to “support of the producer with eco-conditioned management” and further – to “support of management methods”; positioning rural development as an important second component of national policy; redistribution of support funds in favor of small and medium-sized farms, etc. Lessons on ensuring food sovereignty in the state are updated, which means relying as much as possible on local agricultural production, agroecology and cultural traditions; transition to solidarity in agriculture, as the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the instability of the current food system, especially in the segment of small and partly medium-sized farmers.

Keywords:EU CAP reform; new program period of 2021–2027; New Green Course for Europe; sustainable development of agriculture; CAP financing; environmental conditionality; agroecology

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 83 - 95) DownloadDownloads :159
The article was received by the Editorial staff on May 6 , 2020


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