Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 7/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (7): 64–73

УДК 336.025:339



1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : https://
OrcID ID :


External factors influencing the economic stability of Ukraine are studied. Peculiarities of economic development and external factors in the conditions of current crisis are characterized. Conceptually, external factors influencing the economic stability of the state have always existed and will exist in the future. At the theoretical and practical level, the problem of external influences is not a question of overcoming them, but of minimizing them, in particular, in order to achieve certain state goals. In the case of positive external influences, it is not a matter of minimization, but rather of the controllability of such influences by the state. In turn, the parameters of minimization depend directly on the goal of the country's development.
Three groups of factors are identified: those that arise independently of Ukraine's actions and can be influenced only in terms of minimizing their negative course and consequences; factors that are initiated by Ukraine for various reasons; factors that act as a combination of the first and second groups.
Mechanisms for minimizing the negative effects of external factors on the economic stability of Ukraine are proposed. To do this, it is necessary to develop precautionary measures that would either not allow to influence Ukraine negatively, or minimize such negative impact. When building cooperation with international financial organizations, relations with them should be based on a partnership basis, and not on the principle of Ukraine's subordination to external influences. In most cases, attracting external sources of funding is the least easy way to solve problems, but with all the negative consequences.
Consolidation of Ukraine as an object and not as a subject of international political and economic relations does not allow for adequately responding to negative external influences and creating opportunities for their minimization.

Keywords:external factors of influence; economic stability of Ukraine; groups of external influence factors; mechanisms for minimizing external factors

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 64 - 73) DownloadDownloads :186
The article was received by the Editorial staff on June 24 , 2020


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