Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 8/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (8): 3–23


УДК 338.1:004



1Odesa National Economic University, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The qualitative changes in the economic system of modern capitalism under the influence of digital technologies are theoretically studied. It is substantiated that the development of digital technologies in highly developed countries characterizes a new stage of the industrial revolution, the essence of which is the liberation of man from direct productive activity. It is shown that in the conditions of global capitalism there are relations of domination of developed countries and subordination of developing ones. The advanced countries, first, restructure the economies of dependent countries, reducing it to several export industries adapted to the needs of the metropolis, and secondly, transform the social structure of societies, forming the comprador bourgeoisie and the market of cheap labor.
Based on the methodological principles of the reproduction process, the nature of economic development is studied, the economic limits of the application of industrial technology and the objective preconditions for the transition to “digital” means of production are substantiated. The logical connection between reindustrialization and the formation of “digital” productive forces in the Ukrainian economy is revealed.
A specific contradiction between the special type of economic relations that led to the deindustrialization of the Ukrainian economy and the limited capabilities of the available productive forces that ensure sustainable economic growth is revealed. It is determined that the development of new digital technologies involves first the restoration of the traditional three-link system of machines, i.e. the start of the reproduction cycle of industrial capital. Since the starting point of industrial capital is money capital, monetary and fiscal policies, in addition to determining macroeconomic proportions, should be the main links of economic policy. It is shown that one of the reasons for the failure of the reforms is the dominance of ideology over scientific developments.
The provisions contained in this scientific study can serve as a scientific basis and methodological basis for the development of economic and industrial policy.

Keywords:digital technologies; economic development in the conditions of intensive type reproduction; reindustrialization; industrial cycle

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 23) DownloadDownloads :214
The article was received by the Editorial staff on August 3 , 2020


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