Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 8/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (8): 76–95


УДК 33.330

JEL: Q130


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine
OrcID ID :


The theoretical foundations of the socio-economic nature of the agricultural enterprise, formulated by the founders of agroeconomics A. Thaer, J. Th?nen, T. Brinkman and other scientists, are covered, which allows to substantiate the peculiarities of the agricultural sector corporatization. The history of the penetration of non-agricultural capital into the agricultural sector of different countries during the twentieth century is studied, the preconditions that encouraged or contributed to the corporatization of agriculture through the takeover of farms, unfair competition in the land market, capital colonization of agricultural lands of countries with weak legal instruments and corrupt or incompetent authorities are considered. The specifics and negative consequences of the activity of agro-industrial and trade corporations are generalized, on the example of Ukraine it is proved that they practically do not change depending on the analyzed country or period. The panorama of agroholding of Ukraine is outlined, its three stages are highlighted, their features and consequences for agriculture and rural development are characterized: profitable, investor-oriented; cooperative, oriented on its client member; non-profit, represented by productive socially oriented corporations created for joint economic activity. Only the first type corporations operate in Ukraine, among which domestic and international corporations with non-agricultural capital are increasingly dominating. The basics of agrarian policies of Western European, North American and other countries that have suspended or prevented the colonization of agriculture with industrial, trade and financial capital are systematized. Their directions which are necessary and possible to adapt to conditions of Ukraine for the purpose of creation of the favorable institutional and legal environment for development of corporations of the second and third types are singled out.

Keywords:preconditions for corporate development; penetration of non-agricultural capital into the agricultural sector; types of corporations; production socially oriented corporations; cooperatives; institutional environment; state support

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 76 - 95) DownloadDownloads :209
The article was received by the Editorial staff on May 28 , 2020


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