Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 9/2020

Ekon Ukr. 2020 (9): 66–79


УДК 338.22:331.55 (477)

JEL: J18, F22, J61


1Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The problems that exist today in the migration sphere of Ukraine indicate the insufficient effectiveness of the state migration policy and the need to improve it. An important prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of migration policy is the development of its conceptual framework. The essence of this concept is specified, the priority purposes and tasks are defined. Based on a review of the definitions of the term “policy” from the standpoint of social sciences and analysis of the definitions of migration policy, three interrelated approaches are identified. According to the first, policy is defined as the impact on migration processes (influential); the second interprets it as a tool, a way of influencing the migration sphere (instrumental); through the prism of the third, migration policy is seen as a sphere of social relations, a certain type of interaction of subjects in order to meet the needs and achieve the goals set in the field of migration management (interactive). Adherence to any one approach involves covering only a certain aspect of migration policy. With this in mind, a comprehensive definition of migration policy is proposed as a purposeful activity of public authorities to regulate migration relations, processes and phenomena, their factors, aimed at preventing negative consequences and using the potential of migration in the implementation of the European integration vector of reforms. Migration policy is an important element of the system of socioeconomic policy of the state, implemented in cooperation with international institutions and through special measures designed to promote socioeconomic development of the country, improving the quality of life and integrity of society. The stated aim, five main goals and objectives of migration policy should serve as a basis for improving the Concept of State Migration Policy. These goals are not exhaustive and sufficient, but are relevant and necessary in the first stage of improving migration policy. They need to be implemented gradually, with the subsequent development of new ones.

Keywords:migration; policy; migration policy; goal; aim; goals; tasks of migration policy

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 66 - 79) DownloadDownloads :116
The article was received by the Editorial staff on April 16 , 2020


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