Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 9/2015

Ekon Ukr. 2015 (9): 39–48


УДК 332.8



1Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine”, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine , Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The article is devoted to problems of Ukraine’s spatial development in the context of modern socio-economic transformations and the appearance of new technologica ideas and other preconditions, which affect jointly the determination of priorities in the self-organization of a life-activity medium. The attention is paid to the clarification of the category “space” in the context of an interaction of the directions of economic and territorial development. The importance of the regional level in the adjustment of economic relations is emphasized. It is shown that, under modern conditions, the methodological achievements and recommendations by P. Abercrombie remain actual. Especially, this concerns the questions of formation of a system of realization of projects designed on the principles of the support of a close interaction of architects and power structures. At present, the key questions are related to the processes of renewal of the spirit and the essential signs of project acts of the regional planning, as well as the formation of mechanisms aimed at the protection of interests of the low-level territories, i.e., that part of the society, for which the access to financial resources remains limited. It is shown that the further development of the town-planning should push off from the principal primary link, namely, from the dwellings. On the whole, the regional planning must be performed in the course of the improvement of the system of management of material, financial, and human resources at the local level. Eventually, it is necessary to subordinate the project acts of a spatial development to the decision-making principle based on the corporative model of interaction of the power, business, and society, which ensures the attainment of a consensus.

Keywords:space, economy, development, decentralization, region, town-planning, planning, management

Article original in Russian (pp. 39 - 48) DownloadDownloads :227
Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 39 - 48) DownloadDownloads :267
The article was received by the Editorial staff on April 14 , 2015


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