Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (1): 69–83


УДК 330.341.1

JEL: 031, 034

KHAUSTOV Volodymyr1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Socio-economic development of Ukraine in the medium and long term is impossible without a radical reform of intellectual property as a basis for intensifying innovation processes. The generalization of tendencies and experience of the leading countries of the world concerning creation, protection and commercialization of objects of the intellectual property right revealed the strong and weak positions of Ukraine. Thus, Ukraine is in the group of leading countries in the generalized indicator of activity for filing applications for industrial property by country of origin, has a high position of the relevant indicators of the Global Innovation Index for 2020. Domestic inventors retain the potential to create objects of intellectual property rights mainly for protection in the domestic market: the number of applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty system does not exceed 200, which is 320 times less than the inventors of China. However, the gross expenditure on R&D in GDP is 6-10 times lower than in the leading countries of the world.
The low level of the national system of intellectual property protection is evidenced by the fact that Ukraine is under the supervision of the Office of the US Trade Representative and in the EU Priority Watch List, which includes countries with the most serious problems in the field of intellectual property protection. The experience of the EU and the USA in the context of reforming the system of protection of intellectual property rights in the domestic and foreign markets, including counterfeiting, falsification, piracy and plagiarism, is important for Ukraine. The potential for the commercialization of intellectual property is evidenced by the high position of the relevant indicators of the Global Innovation Index, in particular on the export and import of intellectual property rights.
The basis of Ukraine's innovation policy should be formed using a modern methodological approach based on demand, in particular, on public procurement, updating the regulatory environment, supporting private demand and more. This approach will facilitate the commercialization of R&D results and objects of intellectual property rights.

Keywords:creation, protection and commercialization of objects of intellectual property rights; innovative development; research costs.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 69 - 83) DownloadDownloads :128
The article was received by the Editorial staff on October 15 , 2020


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