Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 3/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (3): 41–60


УДК 330.3:338.4

JEL: O17; L81–86


1Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine
OrcID ID :
2State Institution “Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine”
OrcID ID :


The service industry became one of the most influential attributes of the economy’s competitive ability and material advancement. The services of the creative industry and information-communicative technologies, which increasingly consolidate the competitive advantages of the state at the international markets got a significant importance. The expansion of the shadow economy in the sphere of commercial services doesn’t allow to use its potential effectively to support of socio-economic development of Ukraine.
The forms of economic activity in the sphere of commercial services, which has the increasing economic and social profit, and strategic competitive ability have been defined. Statistical analysis methods that helped to collect and analyze the main characteristic values of the service industry development in Ukraine, which allowed to define determinative structural-dynamic characteristics of its development were used for the analysis. The characteristics of the commercial services market development and functioning in Ukraine have been clarified. It’s shown that there are disproportions in the service activities and turnover, amount of man-power employed, the proportion of services in the structure of gross added value, etc., inside the market. The dynamic development of the education and informational and computer science sectors, which are the most competitive and have the high prospects of increasing economic and social profit has been reviewed. It’s noted that Ukraine needs to boost services in the structure of the gross added value in order to reach the global rate. It’s defined that the tendencies of the service industry development in Ukraine are common to the countries with the transition economy. It’s necessary to increase the prospects in the high-tech and creative spheres, which are competitive at the world markets and attractive for the foreign investors in order to reach the global rate of the service industry development. The effective economic development of the state needs support from the forms of economic activities in the sphere of commercial services, which have increasing socio-economic profit. The release of the available prospects of the commercial services sphere needs the organization of the modern unshadowing policy priorities and considering the main hallmarks and attributes of increasing profit support.

Keywords:service industry; forms of economic activities; gross added value; competitive ability.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 41 - 60) DownloadDownloads :138
The article was received by the Editorial staff on February 1 , 2021


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