Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (5): 40–58


УДК 339.54+339.9+304+004

JEL: O33, D91, E71, F52

SIDENKO Volodymyr1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The risks of digitalization of the economy are the reverse side of the process that creates by digital technology new commercial and communication opportunities for individuals and society as a whole. They arise from the ambivalent nature of digital technologies, their generally neutral nature in relation to the norms of public morality.
Among the risks associated with digital technology, cybersecurity issues that focus on exogenous (in relation to digital content) risks are now prioritized. At the same time, much less attention is given to endogenous technologically determined risks of digital transformation: increase of personal information insecurity, intensification of information noise and growth of unproductive loss of time, considerable expansion of opportunities to manipulate human consciousness and behavior, risk of distortion of the modes of thinking and culture, adverse environmental consequences, primarily due to the significant energy intensity of digitalization.
The economic and social effects of digital technologies are largely determined by the state of the formal and informal institutional environment of a country. Given the institutional distortions and high crime rates, the policy of forced and unbalanced introduction of digital technologies can produce negative social effects, including the growth of new forms of criminalization of economic activity, strengthening control over the behavior of people and public associations. The policy of dissemination of the latest digital technologies in institutionally problematic countries should be careful, balanced and strongly connected to the parallel improvement in the structure and functioning mechanisms of public institutions.
It is necessary to create a single permanent platform (network) for broad public discussions on the digitalization of the economy and society and its consequences for man and society.

Keywords:digital (electronic) trade; information and communication technologies; digital technologies; endogenous technologically determined economic and social risks; cybersecurity; information insecurity

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 40 - 58) DownloadDownloads :202
The article was received by the Editorial staff on October 26 , 2020


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