Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 7/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (7): 75–83

УДК 35.01( 477)

JEL: E62, E69


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : 078281
OrcID ID :


Improving the mechanisms of economic management and regulation is related to the needs of modern economic development of Ukraine. The problems caused by corruption, the shadow sector and illegal privatization in our country against the background of imperfect laws hinder the economic growth of the state, the development of its social sphere.
Scientific approaches to the interaction of public and private sectors of the economy, the influence of state institutions on the activities of society, its individual groups, which realize social needs and interests, common goals and will of society are considered and organized. Emphasis is placed on the differences between state regulation of the economy and state management of the economy and social processes. The incomplete nature of the system of state regulation is noted, the legislative support of state regulation of the private sector in Ukraine is analyzed, the necessity of its improvement and increase of efficiency of realization of national projects is emphasized. The directions of improvement of interaction of public and private sectors in Ukraine and the EU are offered.
A comparison of the presence of the public sector in the economies of foreign countries and Ukraine is made. It is concluded that in many foreign countries the size of the public sector is the basis of economic stability, sustainability and manageability of society, national and economic security, guarantor and economic foundation of public power and development of various forms of ownership, while in Ukraine went through privatization of state property, and its management is reduced to the privatization of state-owned enterprises and the budget process.
It is noted that the public-private partnership is a mechanism that promotes investment projects, development of relevant infrastructure and improvement of the social sphere of the country, the role of the state in this process is noted. The government's task is to create the necessary conditions to ensure a partnership between government and business, including fiscal reform, strengthening measures aimed at shadow economy and corruption.

Keywords:public-private partnership; public sector; private sector; concession; project financing mechanisms.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 75 - 83) DownloadDownloads :169
The article was received by the Editorial staff on July 1 , 2021


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