Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 7/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (7): 84–92

УДК 336.025:339

JEL: E61, F02, F63


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID : https://
OrcID ID :


The world is actively rethinking the role of the state. Traditionally, we can cite the example of the United States, where the market system is supported, but government intervention is a significant regulatory factor. In the developed countries of Western Europe, the state plays a major role in the distribution of income through social financing programs. Of interest is the experience of Japan and other Asian countries, where the economic system is actually governed by the state. In modern conditions, the methods of state regulation are becoming important. This is determined both by the environment of a developed market economy and the processes occurring in a transition economy. Methods of state influence on the economy can be divided into administrative and economic.
The role of the state in the conditions of Ukraine should be adequate to the modern world experience: from unification of economic mechanisms to increase of sociality of the state. Optimization of its role should correspond to the national interests of Ukraine. Thus, the state can and should play a more tangible role in the socioeconomic sphere, stimulating primarily the development of the national economy. Ukraine is not able to move economically or politically in a short period of time to a model with a significant role of the state following the example of the Scandinavian countries, so these are guidelines for the gradual strengthening of its role. Such a guideline for optimizing the role of the state in the social sphere of modern Ukraine is the provision of the Constitution of Ukraine on the social type of the country. According to the experience of developed countries, there can be no effective socially oriented market economy without an active regulatory role of the state.

Keywords:state; economy of Ukraine; optimization of the role of the state; methods of state regulation.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 84 - 92) DownloadDownloads :119
The article was received by the Editorial staff on July 1 , 2021


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