Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 11/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (11): 85–90





1Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


A new scientific publication on the economic history of Ukraine, the monograph “Historical Determinants of Ukraine's Inclusion in the System of International Economic Relations” (2021), is critically analyzed and highly evaluated. The scientific and practical significance of the study of historical and economic factors that have determined the modern place of the national economy in the system of the international division of labor and the competitive position of Ukraine in world commodity markets is indicated. The significance of the publication from the standpoint of forming the scientific and ideological foundation of national self-identification in the unity of economic, social, spiritual and political components is described. The high theoretical-methodological level of work and the validity of the formulated provisions and conclusions are noted.
The main achievements and fundamentality of the study are revealed. The novelty of the obtained results is emphasized, in particular, in the part of the characteristic of the historical genesis of foreign economic relations of the Ukrainian economy; coverage of the interdependence of institutional dynamics, structural changes and the nature of participation in the system of international economic relations; identification of the influence of the policy of the states, which included the Ukrainian lands, on the development and realization of their potential; prognostic assessment of opportunities and threats to the further development of the national economy in the context of certain historical determinants, current status and trends in global and European economic relations.


Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 85 - 90) DownloadDownloads :254
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 23 , 2021


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