Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 12/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (12): 3–21


УДК 338.486

JEL: L83, P47

MAZARAKI Anatolii1, BOIKO Marharyta2, OKHRIMENKO Alla3

1State University of Trade and Economics, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
3Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The tourism system through its multiplication effect can provide the development of the related branches and become the background cause of the positive socio-eco-economic processes. The significant impact on the tourism system made the global COVID-19 pandemic, which incurred a number of downturns in the functioning of this economic sector. The necessity of the solution of the strategic problems in the development of the tourism system determines the necessity of research of transformation changes, which take place in it.
The socio-economic transformations in the tourism systems are proved, the essential actions concerning reinforcement of the positive impact and evening-out the negative impact of the external environment in the context of new reality and digitalization are proposed. Based on the analysis of the tourism sector and hospitality sector subjects’ activities trend data as the main components of the tourism system the asymmetries of the development are detected and restricted into three groups: functional, structural, and temporal. The structural and temporal factors of transitivity are shown and its aspects are proved through the progressive and regressive trends of the Ukrainian tourism system development processes. The stages of tourism system evolution are specified (adaptive, knowledge-minded, integrative) and the new one is proved (digital and mobile). The promotion of the innovative dominants in the tourism system of Ukraine as the drivers of the strategical development is proposed. Referred innovative dominants are concentrated towards digital, communicative, partner, ecological, and financial directions. The emphasis is put on the influence of digital changes on the transformation of the tourism system of Ukraine and its individual components. Actualization of the innovative dominants in the tourism system of Ukraine shows global trends of society and corrected by institutional surroundings and domestic mindset entities on the one hand and the building up of the new tourism system development surroundings on the other hand.

Keywords:tourism; tourism system; hospitality sector; transformations; asymmetry of the development; transitivity; innovative dominants; digitalization; tourism digitalization; digital technologies.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 3 - 21) DownloadDownloads :202
The article was received by the Editorial staff on October 11 , 2021


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