Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 12/2021

Ekon Ukr. 2021 (12): 22–43


УДК 331.5:338.24

JEL: J18, J21, J41, J50, J63

BLYZNIUK Viktoriia1, HUK Larysa2

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


International cooperation, the development of the digital economy, and market globalization including the labor market became the reason for the production distribution and the transformation of the sector of employment. The national labor market is under the influence of combined tendencies, which result in diverging effects for its institutional entities. The state meets a number of problems, those restrain the formation of the labor market, which can meet modern economic needs and social challenges.
The failures of the state regulation at the labor market are examined and combined into blocks, the main problems of each group (block) are highlighted; their solving will specify the state politics in the sector of employment. The methods of research such as system analysis, comparative analysis, structural-functional analysis, method of statistical aggregation, expert evaluation, etc. are used.
The system of failures of state regulation at the labor market is examined. It is structured according to the generalized groups: delayed development and archaic nature of the employment structure, atypicality of labor market adaptation, disequilibrium of the labor market, destruction of social dialogue at the labor market, inequality of incomes, the low level of employment law enforcement. The development entities, manifest particularity, possible negative outcomes, their easing, and the ways out are specified for each group, which characterizes the failures of the state regulation at the labor market.
The public policy in the sector of employment, which will form the unique possibility to act in a new way giving the priorities to the new elements, principles, and rules of cooperation at the labor market in the context of uncertainty and perpetual crisis is proposed. The importance of the development of the state regulation strategic course according to the generalized groups, which specifies the manifests of Ukrainian and European labor markets’ divergence is highlighted.

Keywords:labor market; state regulation of the sector of employment; response strategy at labor market; disequilibrium of the labor market; social dialogue; inequality of incomes.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 22 - 43) DownloadDownloads :181
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 24 , 2021


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