Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (1): 29–46

УДК 004.9:330.331.8-043.86

JEL: B41, D80, F63, O1, P5


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The logic of the historical development of economic systems is revealed and the place and role of the modern, information-digital stage in it is clarified. In the industrial-market system of management the industrial-competitive, industrial-planned and industrial-marketing stages of development are distinguished. Information-network system goes through the information-analog, information-digital and neural network stages of its progress. The understanding of information as the content of the existence of one object in another is substantiated. The place and role of digitalization in the process of human interaction with the external environment are clarified. It is shown that three structural elements of human thinking (memory, formal logic and reason), formed as a result of internalization of objective connections of the real world, as a result of digital technology use they are exteriorized and transformed into virtual processes that take place outside the human head, although in interaction with it. Clouds, fog technologies and blockchains correspond to such a structural element as memory. The exteriorization of formal logic is due to cognitive technologies and augmented reality. The exteriorization of the actual mental functions of man is associated with the creation of artificial intelligence, which is based on Big Data. The forms of human development in the process of formation of information-network economy are shown: the digital men remains an entity that sets its own goals and comprehensively uses digital technologies to achieve them; the network men partially loses subjectivity, becoming dependent in its thoughts and actions on network information; the artificial men, who as a social being from the very beginning of human existence is such, unfolds its artificiality fully in its inorganic body and becomes a biotechnosocial being. The logic of transformations of basic institutions in the formation of information-network economy is clarified: the decisive importance passes from private ownership of material goods to universal ownership of information; hired labor is replaced by freely exercised labor; the distribution according to value and capital turns into distribution, which is carried out in the form of basic and rental income.

Keywords:economic systems; information-network economy; digitization; digital, network and artificial man; universal ownership; freely exercised labor; basic and rent-premium income.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 29 - 46) DownloadDownloads :341
The article was received by the Editorial staff on December 28 , 2021


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