Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 1/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (1): 67–81

УДК 338.24.021.8

JEL: E61, G18, H42, O11, O32, P41


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


It is proved that digitalisation is a complex, inclusive economic activity, and governments of all countries view the digital transformation process as an important strategic policy task. It is determined that the organization of digital transformation management is based on clear policy formulation, development of strategic documents and organization of monitoring and control over the implementation of decisions and implementation of goals. The principles of prioritization of strategic goals are substantiated and the main factors that determine them are described.
Based on the analysis of world experience, it is concluded that the current trend is to strengthen approaches to digital transformation by strengthening the institutional and organizational framework, the introduction of digital technologies in the process of strategic management. The main directions are substantiated, and the importance of digital transformation of Ukraine's economy through the implementation of the concept of strategic management is proved, the main problems that hinder this process are identified. The content and features of the use of centralized and decentralized models of management organization of the digital transformation process are revealed, and it is proved that the decentralized management model is more functional and effective.
The world experience of stimulating enterprises and the population to use digital technologies is analyzed, perspective forms of state support of business and the population in the conditions of Ukraine are proposed. Possibilities of using “normative sandboxes” to support digital innovations are described.
The peculiarities of the creation of a digital government are revealed and the main directions of its activity are outlined from the point of view of the need to reform the system of public administration. In the context of realization of tasks of strategic management of digital transformation the economic maintenance and features of realization of cyberthreats and digital risks are defined, methods of their management are proposed. In order to increase the effectiveness of strategic management of digital transformation, a set of measures is proposed to strengthen the institutional capacity of management entities in the field of setting targets, coordination, monitoring and control over the implementation of the determined goals.

Keywords:digital economy; digital technologies; digital transformation; digital transformation strategy; strategic management; strategic management models; coordination.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 67 - 81) DownloadDownloads :838
The article was received by the Editorial staff on December 10 , 2021


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