Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 2/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (2): 20–36


УДК 330.341.1:330.46:004.8

JEL: A10; A19; B41, B52; B59; D83; F01; P16


1Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Modern co-revolution is considered as a complex system of processes of mechanization of spiritual and mental essential human forces in general and types of cognitive activity in particular. The current state of mechanization of empirical-abstract, theoretical-abstract, applied and creative, integral-synthetic cognitive activity of man is characterized, including relevant means and objects of activity: systems of multifunctional storages, bases of derivatives of materialized information-digital products, information-communication networks of non-hierarchical type, Internet as a global network of networks, communication channels, routers, hubs, transceivers, information and machine systems, processors, supercomputers, artificial intelligence systems, neuro-information and communication machines, artificial neural networks, non-positional number systems etc. The corresponding cognitive limits of machine-sized and cognitive priorities of human-sized systems are determined. The leading role of man in the interaction of information-communication and reproducible technical and economic systems, including such as digital ecosystems, robots, additive production systems, computer engineering systems, virtual and augmented reality systems, is substantiated. The technical and economic limits of information and digital economy are outlined, in particular: digital capacity of economy and society, critical level of discretization approaching the same as analog, length and complexity of knowledge and information chain, technological limits, potential of number systems, etc. Alternatives of information-digital economy, such as analog economy, neuro-information economy, quantum-information economy, bio-information economy, are indicated. It is concluded that the information-digital economy in itself, in a state separated from the real, human economy, is of little use to mankind. The former is integrated into the latter and is the only way for it to exist, develop and be innovative. It is important not to absolutize the new-fashioned apology of the machine, but to subordinate it to the well-founded apology of man and nature.

Keywords:modern co-revolution; spiritual and mental essential human forces; mechanization of types of cognitive and creative activities; human-sized cognitive systems; machine-sized cognitive systems; information-communication systems; reproductive technical-economic systems; neuro-informational, quantum-informational, bio-informational economy.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 20 - 36) DownloadDownloads :200
The article was received by the Editorial staff on November 23 , 2021


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