Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 2/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (2): 50–74


УДК 339.92:37:330.341.1(477)

JEL: F55, O14, O38, O52


1Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


In the conditions of normality 2.0, cardinal technological transformations taking place in the world economy under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the deepening of international cooperation that will promote sustainable development of countries becomes a priority. At the heart of Ukraine's strategic foreign policy course is the European integration, which involves the development of relations with the European Union and its member states in many areas of common interest. One of these areas is science and technology and innovation, which is key in terms of ensuring the competitiveness and technological security of countries in the long run.
The peculiarities of the EU's innovation policy in the context of the implementation of its new strategic course on building a climate-neutral, greener, digital, resilient and democratic Europe are studied. The approaches that are the basis of modern EU innovation policy are identified: the approach of smart specialization and the approach to mission-oriented innovation. Particular attention is paid to the latter, the essence of missions and mission-oriented innovation policy is highlighted, their role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is shown.
Strategic priority areas of scientific-technological and innovation cooperation between Ukraine and the EU are identified, taking into account national and global challenges, potentials and achievements of domestic science, new strategic goals of the European Union and features of European innovation policy. The expediency and prospects of cooperation between the parties in four of the selected areas, which provide for the development of cooperation in the following areas: first, security, defense-technical and defense-industrial cooperation; second, health and pharmacology, biotechnology and genomics; third, agriculture and the food industry, in particular organic farming and precision farming; fourth, digitization and development of digital technologies. The institutional principles of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in these areas are summarized and proposals are provided to strengthen the scientific, technological and innovation-industrial potential of Ukraine as a prerequisite for its effective integration into the European Research Area.

Keywords:European integration; European Union; directions of European integration; international cooperation; scientific-technological and innovative sphere; innovation policy; sustainability.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 50 - 74) DownloadDownloads :222
The article was received by the Editorial staff on November 4 , 2021


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