Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 5/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (5): 59–76


УДК 331.103:005.3312.04.2022

JEL: J00, J22

KOLOT Anatolii1, HERASYMENKO Oksana2

1Kyiv National Economic University after Vadym Hetman, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


The article gives scientific argumentation for the authors’ mental model of labor activity transformations as a component of a new social (ab)normality, which is a symbiosis of three "big bangs" - information and digital transformations, sanitary and epidemiological restrictions, military aggression. The authors’ vision of the origin, character and nature of the "big bangs" is presented, and attention is focused on their consequences for social and labor development.
The essential characteristics of the space atomization, which occurs in the conditions of volatility, anxiety, unpredictability of the life of an economically active person during martial law, are revealed. It is emphasized that the forced need to secure the workplace, organized at home, and change the location in search of a shelter from military aggression was a new challenge for social and labor life.
Based on the results of survey, which show the preservation of active life position among Ukrainians during the war, it was concluded that the employment during martial law - remote or standard - affects self-confidence in overcoming life's difficulties. The manifestations of atomization (compression) of the living space of an economically active person during martial law are generalized, the emphasis is placed on the precarization of spare time.
The problem of income is considered. It is stated that having an income not only allows to meet basic human needs, but also inspires a sense of security and reduces anxiety and worry about uncertainty in the future.
The behavior models of the subjects of social and labor relations regarding the prospects and attractiveness of remote work are described. It is proved that atomization of living space of economically active people and the diffusion of activity depend on the scale of remote work, which acquired new formats and manifestations during the war, against the background of large-scale and intensive migration flows. It is hypothesized that the novel development trajectories of labor activity organization will be based on alternative hybrid employment models with the dominance of traditional workplaces in the employers’ premises using "Industry 4.0" technological solutions and the priority of human resources.

Keywords:new (ab)normality; social and labor development; living space atomization; labor activity diffusion; social labor organization; remote employment; remote work.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 59 - 76) DownloadDownloads :230
The article was received by the Editorial staff on April 12 , 2022


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