Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 9/2019

Ekon Ukr. 2019 (9): 79–91


УДК 331.556:338.246(477)


1Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Intensification of migration processes poses new challenges and tasks to the migration policy of Ukraine. One of the most acute problems at present is the mass emigration of the able-bodied population, especially highly educated youth, outside the country. The author’s concept of inhibition (slowing down) of human potential losses is proposed. It involves active migration policy measures in such directions: reduction of the emigration flows, stimulation of the external return migration and strengthening the internal migration of the population. At the same time, the ways of implementing each of these blocks are highlighted. Thus, it is possible to reduce the rate of emigration by regulating its factors. Two of these factors are analyzed: wages and unemployment. The author concludes it is necessary to gradually increase the level of wages, however, not mechanically but accompanied by a set of reforms. Regarding the problems of unemployment, a model of the mechanism for employment stimulation, involving a set of policy measures aimed at all subjects of the labor market, is developed. The stimulation of the external return migration, circular migration, re-immigration and repatriation involves: programs for encouraging and facilitating return and integration; financial, economic and organizational mechanisms for reciprocity provision; assistance in the employment of re-immigrants; pension settlement for circular migrants etc. To intensify internal migration (as a powerful alternative to external), it is necessary: to reduce administrative obstacles on the way of internal movements of the population; to create favorable conditions for realization the right to freedom of movement; to intensify interregional human exchange and cooperation; to develop measures for internal migration stimulation; to improve transport networks. Along with the socio-economic inhibitors, it is also necessary to apply mental factors, which can affect the migration behavior of the population. The author’s proposals, covered in the article, can become the basis for solving the problem of migration losses of human potential and for increasing the efficiency of the migration policy of Ukraine.

Keywords:migration; circular migration; migration policy; wages; employment

Бібл. 16; рис. 2; табл. 1.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 79 - 91) DownloadDownloads :234
The article was received by the Editorial staff on March 13 , 2019


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