Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 8/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (8): 70–82


УДК 338.242: 502.33

JEL: Q10, Q23, Q24, Q25

KHVESYK Mykhailo1, SUNDUK Anatoliі2

1Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Peculiarities of natural resource positioning in the modern post-industrial environment are studied. The positions of natural resources in terms of marketing and raw materials supply have been identified, an algorithm for their integration into the market influence area has been developed, which envisages the passage of natural resource through a number of stages (formations) within the market environment. The stages of natural resource positioning in the market influence area are: entrepreneurial activity, formation of natural resource assets market, natural resource as a market economy asset, platform markets expansion. Peculiarities of natural resource localization within the stages have been studied. It is emphasized that with the passage through these formations, the ability of natural resource to generate cash flows and make profit increases. The participation of business in this process is important.
It is necessary to factor in accompanying processes, in particular the capitalization and corporatization of natural resources. It is shown that the level of natural resources capitalization is lower than the threshold indicator. To enhance corporatization, it is important to develop institutional support. The participation of local communities in the development of corporatization at the local level is significant.
Peculiarities of platform markets involving natural resources are studied. An important condition for the development of such markets is factoring in informational component, along with technological one. The levels of functioning of platform markets for natural resources are defined. The prerequisites for natural resources integration into the market influence area in general and the formation of platform markets in particular are outlined, the main ones of which are the development of appropriate institutional environment and the creation of information development tools.

Keywords:natural resource; formation; platform; algorithm; market; accompanying processes; levels.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 70 - 82) DownloadDownloads :169
The article was received by the Editorial staff on May 5 , 2022


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