Economy of Ukraine
Published since September 1958

№ 12/2022

Ekon Ukr. 2022 (12): 13–33


УДК 001.5:330.138

JEL: A10, B20, D11, D24, D89, O15


1Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Research ID :
OrcID ID :


Classical and modern concepts and theories of cost and value are reviewed retrospectively. Emphasis is placed on synthetic and fundamental developments, the need to elaborate them in view of the advancing expansion of humanization sphere. A hypothesis about the universality and complexity of value relations is put forward. Their philosophical, general scientific and economic content is determined. Value relations (value) are presented as a complex system of subject-subject relations associated with the interrelated and economically significant for subjects correspondences: a) between the subjective image of a real object and the real object itself, inter alia, between different elements of the former, on the one hand, and different elements of the latter, on the other; b) between different elements of the subjective image of a real object; c) between different elements of a real object. This system is a core of fundamental theoretical model (scheme) of value. The utility and expenditure components of value, as well as the trialectics of its general, special and unique are characterized. The general component of value is characteristic of all eras and epochs in humanity development, special – of certain eras and areas of activity, and unique – of certain methods of production. The temporal space of the general theory of value has been developed in the coordinates of activity results, areas and attributes, dimensions, as well as historical boundaries of activity and value. The positioning of the theory of labor value in it is shown. The historical co-evolution of activity and value in the context of coexistence and change of eras and epochs in humanity development is considered. A conceptual and fundamental theoretical scheme for the general theory of value is proposed. The cores of special theories of value acquire the status of particular theoretical schemes for the general theory of value. A conclusion was made about the need to catalyze scientific search for those new special theories of value that are able to adequately describe and explain value relations in humanization (mediated, direct and humanization in general), inter alia, in the creation of knowledge and knowledge-information products.

Keywords:hypothesis; concept; theory; cost; value; hypothesis about universality and complexity of value; general theory of value; temporal space and structure of value relations; trialectics of the general, special and unique; co-evolution of activity and value; conceptual and fundamental theoretical model (scheme) of the general theory of value

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 13 - 33) DownloadDownloads :144
The article was received by the Editorial staff on September 2 , 2022


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